Nearly 550 employees to be laid off from Casinos Regina, Moose Jaw
SaskGaming says employees can access EI programs and return to their same jobs when casinos reopen

Around 550 employees are going to be laid off from Casino Regina and Casino Moose Jaw.
SaskGaming made the announcement Friday morning. 497 members are unionized and 52 are non-unionized, SaskGaming said in a statement.
Casino Regina and Casino Moose Jaw were closed on March 17 due to concerns about the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
"We were very surprised. In fact, I think we were all blindsided," Marianne Hladun said. Hladun is the regional executive vice-president for the union representing Casino workers.
Hladun said the union thought the Crown corporation was going to pay employees through the pandemic, instead of adding almost 600 people to the emergency response benefit created by the federal government.
"We're seeing private companies that are doing the right thing and providing income security for their members and to see a Crown corporation within the province of Saskatchewan just arbitrarily lay everybody off was beyond disappointing," she said.
Casinos Regina and Moose Jaw announced they were going to pay workers for two weeks following the closures. That two week pay period ends on April 3, 2020, when the layoffs are set to take effect.
Layoffs made under emergency provisions
SaskGaming said in a statement that due to both casino properties being closed, many members of staff and management are no longer required. SaskGaming said the layoffs were made under the public emergency provisions in the amended Saskatchewan Employment Act.
SaskGaming and the union say all employees who are laid off can return to their previous jobs when the casinos reopen, allowing for job security and for employees to access government programs.
Hladun said her main issue is that no other Crown corporation is laying off employees at this time.
"These members are Crown corporation employees and should be treated the same as any employee at SaskPower, SaskEnergy," she said.
Hladun said she spoke with the minister of labour's office. The union said they will be filing a policy grievance as the union says collective agreement provisions were not followed. They request the minister of labour intervene and overturn the layoffs.
The union said essential employees will remain at Casino Regina and Casino Moose Jaw.