There were only a few cows at Evraz Place today, but by tomorrow, 1,500 head will be in their stalls.
400 livestock exhibitors are coming to Regina from across North America
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There were only a few cows at Evraz Place Friday afternoon, but by Saturday, 1,500 head will be in their stalls.
Organizers of the 45th annual Canadian Western Agribition in Regina were busy setting up this afternoon. There's a lot to do to get ready for the six-day event that begins Monday.
"You think about 400 livestock exhibitors coming from across North America, 430 trade show exhibitors and you have to fit it all into hockey rinks, barns and soccer complexes, it's really well orchestrated," said Marty Seymour, CEO of Agribition.
"There's 200 staff, 400 volunteer that all pull together to get all that fit together — kind of like a big puzzle."
Farm machinery is set up for Agribition. (Glenn Reid/CBC) Parking will be a challenge due to construction on the new stadium, but the Agribition Express shuttle buses will transport people from the north and south ends of the city.
However, by 2017, Agribition is expected to take on a much different look. The old barns will be gone, as the event will move into the $37 million International Trade Centre.