Plows still at work 2 days after snowstorm

Two days after a major snowstorm on P.E.I. many highways on the Island are still just one lane and most are still snow covered.
Crews are tired, and many people are cranky, the province's snow plow dispatchers told CBC News.
Schools are closed again as plows and snowblowers work to make access safe for students.
On Sunday and Monday 86.8 centimetres of snow fell at the Charlottetown Airport. While the snow had stopped the weather was not much help on Tuesday. Temperatures reached a high of only -11C, which kept the snow from melting off the roads. Winds continued to blow drifts back in after plows passed.
In Prince County machinery has made one run through most of the area, and work has begun to widen highways. Roads are reported as partly snow covered. Some secondary routes in Queens County have still not been cleared, and most of those that have been are reported snow covered.
In Kings County again most roads are cleared to at least one lane, and widening operations are beginning.
Route 2, the main route through the centre of the province, is still partly snow covered.