Crown appeals house arrest sentence for dangerous driving in O'Leary crash
Prosecutors are still seeking jail time for high-speed motorcycle crash

The Prince Edward Island Crown prosecutors' office is appealing a sentence it considers too lenient in a case of dangerous driving in Prince County.
The case involves Taylor Edward Cooke, 24, of Cape Wolfe, who was sentenced to two years of house arrest in connection with a collision three years ago in O'Leary.
Cooke was driving a motorcycle in excess of 100 kph when he hit a pedestrian. The victim — a teenage boy — had part of his leg amputated as a result of injuries inflicted by Cooke.
The appeal was filed on April 27 by Crown prosecutor Christopher White.
The Crown claims that the judge who sentenced Cooke, Justice Jonathan Coady, erred by failing to fully consider the impact of Cooke's actions that night on the victim and his family.
The sentence of house arrest was handed down March 30. After a trial last year, Cooke had been found guilty of dangerous driving causing bodily harm.
The Crown is seeking a sentence of 20 months in provincial jail followed by a four-year driving prohibition.