2 new Summerside restaurants apply for liquor licences
Discretionary use permits allow restaurants to serve drinks without serving food

Two more locations in Summerside, P.E.I., are hoping they will be able to serve alcohol this summer.
Both — Uncle Mike's on the Water and Evermore Brewery — have applied for discretionary use permits to allow them to serve drinks in their establishments.
Thayne Jenkins, the city's planning officer, says the permits allow restaurants or pubs that serve food to serve alcohol when food service has ended, or if a customer just wants a drink without food.
A public meeting will be held May 14 to allow businesses and residents to voice any concerns or opposition to the permits.
Opposition unlikely
But with both businesses located in Summerside's commercial area, Jenkins doesn't expect there will be any concerns.
"These are in the business district so generally, you don't have the same levels of concerns."
Uncle Mike's on the Water plans to open May 18 at Spinnakers' Landing and the Evermore Brewery is located in the old railway station on Water Street and plans to open in July.
After the public meeting, the applications will be returned to the planning board for review and comment, said Jenkins, then sent to council with a recommendation.
That could be done by May 22 if the planning board makes its decision.