More transit routes coming to eastern P.E.I. on Saturdays in December
This will include service from Souris and Georgetown to Charlottetown

Public transit in eastern P.E.I. is set to expand with more routes on Saturdays between Dec. 2 and 23.
This will include service from Souris and Georgetown to Charlottetown, hourly service in Stratford and Cornwall, and "on-demand" service in Charlottetown on Saturday nights until 9:30 p.m., the P.E.I. government said in a news release Friday.
Nearly 12,000 people used rural transit in October, said Steven Myers, minister of environment, energy and climate action, in the release.
Users of the rural routes will be surveyed about their experiences and ideas for improvement, the release said.
The province said it will subsidize the additional routes, which were recommended by the Capital Area Transit Coordinating Committee. The service is operated by T3 Transit.