Provincial officials outline plans to address MSX crisis
P.E.I. experts plan mission to U.S. to learn about combatting MSX

Provincial officials provided more details to MLAs on Thursday about ongoing efforts to tackle the devastating oyster parasite MSX, including plans for a February mission to the U.S. to learn from American experts.
MSX, or multinuclear sphere X, was first detected in Island waters in July 2024. While harmless to humans, the parasite is deadly to oysters. Initially contained to a few areas, MSX has now spread widely along P.E.I.'s coastlines, threatening the province's oyster industry.
Kim Gill, acting director of aquaculture for P.E.I., told the legislative standing committee that the province has set up an MSX task force, co-chaired by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
The task force includes representatives from fisheries, growers, and processors who meet regularly to focus on key issues such as communications outreach, further education to industry, marketing strategies, as well as research and development.
"The task force, it's been a real big push by industry, a push by us, and it's been a very open place to talk about MSX," Gill said at the meeting.
Efforts to combat MSX
During the meeting, Gill also outlined the department's efforts so far, including shellfish health surveillance, sampling and workshops for industry members.
The P.E.I. government, alongside other Atlantic provinces, has also contributed joint funding effort to support research. This includes hiring a second pathologist in addition to one current expert at the Atlantic Veterinary College who has been looking into MSX since its detection.

In February, provincial officials will be visiting hatcheries in Virginia to learn about methods for building more resistant oysters. Virginia has long dealt with MSX, and the trip aims to explore strategies that have worked there.
"We are in direct competition with Virginia oysters, and they have been so helpful," Gill said. "I've had tons of conversations with the researchers in the States, that any research that we do here is going to benefit them as well."
Gill also shared details about a MSX roadmap the province is developing to guide short, medium and long-term actions.
The plan focuses on capacity building — developing more expertise in the industry – enhancing diagnostic services, improving sampling and surveillance, securing additional funding, and supporting hatchery and nursery operations.
"It's never going to go away. It's going to be something we have to deal with," she said.
Concerns from industry stakeholders
At a legislative committee meeting last week, representatives from the P.E.I. Shellfish Association, the P.E.I. Aquaculture Alliance, and the P.E.I. Seafood Processors Association called for immediate government action to save the industry.
They raised concerns about the uncertainty surrounding the spring fishery and recommended measures including more funding for research, a compensation plan for harvesters, and especially a moratorium on shellfish entering P.E.I. waters from the mainland to prevent diseases like Dermo — a similar parasite recently detected in New Brunswick.
It's never going to go away. It's going to be something we have to deal with.- Kim Gill
Gill said the task force has discussed these recommendations with industry stakeholders.
Regarding the moratorium, she noted that regulations are already in place, called the introductions and transfers process, with one of the objectives being to prevent the spread of diseases. DFO requires a license to move shellfish or fish between provinces, evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
"So we wouldn't suggest overriding, you know, the case-by-case, evidence-based, science-based approach," Gill said.
Worries about Dermo
Summerside-Wilmot MLA Tyler DesRoches raised concerns at the meeting about Dermo's detection in New Brunswick and its proximity to P.E.I.

"There's a lot of worried people," DesRoches said, posing a question as to what the province is doing to prevent it from reaching the Island.
Gill told the committee that the introductions and transfers process helps mitigate this risk as it requires authorization for moving shellfish between provinces.