How does Fiona stack up against other historic storms?

Fiona hit P.E.I. in the early morning hours of Saturday, with heavy rain and winds over 170 km/h. CBC meteorologist Jay Scotland takes a look at how Fiona compares to two other notable storms — Dorian and Juan.

It does appear that Fiona was indeed a more impactful storm

The remnants of a barn are seen
The storm left widespread destruction across the Island. The impact has yet to be fully assessed. (Wayne Thibodeau/CBC)

Fiona hit P.E.I. in the early morning hours of Saturday, with heavy rain and winds over 170 km/h.

CBC meteorologist Jay Scotland takes a look at how Fiona compares to two other notable storms — Dorian and Juan.

These numbers are preliminary and subject to change. But it does appear that Fiona was indeed a more impactful storm than both Dorian and Juan on Prince Edward Island.

While parts of the Island did see higher rainfall from Dorian, Fiona's heavy rain was more widespread and its peak winds were also higher than both Dorian and Juan. 

How Hurricane Juan hit the Island in 2003. (Jay Scotland/CBC)
A look at the totals from Hurricane Dorian in 2019. (Jay Scotland/CBC)
A look at how post-tropical storm Fiona impacted P.E.I. Friday night into Saturday. (Jay Scotland/CBC)

With files from Jay Scotland