Wild turkey turning heads in downtown Ottawa
Area workers say the big bird has been perching there since Friday

A wild turkey is turning heads in downtown Ottawa.
It's perched in a tree in front of the Place de Ville building on Albert Street.

People who work in the area say the big bird has been there since Friday morning.
"I was thinking maybe it was a falcon, but then as I got closer, I realized it was a turkey," said Linda Rowley, who first noticed it on Friday.

She said the bird has come down from the tree a couple of times since to eat and peck at the grass.
With onlookers stopping regularly to take pictures, Rowley said everyone in her building has been talking turkey since the big bird showed up.

A picture we tweeted earlier Tuesday also ruffled some feathers online.
<a href="https://twitter.com/CBCOttawa">@CBCOttawa</a> Odd that it's in a tree, but that is a turkey. If it were a turkey vulture, the beak would be longer and curved downwards at the tip.
<a href="https://twitter.com/CBCOttawa">@CBCOttawa</a> This requires someone get out there and do some top quality reporting!! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ithoughtturkeyscouldfly?src=hash">#ithoughtturkeyscouldfly</a> <a href="https://t.co/qCqUJFU5G6">pic.twitter.com/qCqUJFU5G6</a>