Trustee Donna Blackburn denounces school board's gag order
OCDSB policy pegs board chair as spokesperson for 'external communications'

A public school trustee accused the board chair Thursday, on CBC Radio's All In A Day, of trying to muzzle her — after being told not to do the interview.
Donna Blackburn said the order came after she called some of her Ottawa-Carleton District School Board colleagues "whackjobs" in an Ottawa Citizen article published last week for opposing a fee hike for before-and-after-hours programs
"Was that interview my most articulate interview? No it wasn't. Should I have chosen my words, perhaps, more carefully? Yes, I should have," she told host Alan Neal. "But ... do I stand by it? I do."
All In A Day requested to speak with Blackburn last week to discuss funding for the daycare programs. She said board chair Shirley Seward sent her an email telling her not to do the interview.
Seward refused a request to be on the Thursday program.
After getting a second request — this time from Jennifer Adams, the OCDSB's director of education — Blackburn said she decided not to do the interview.
The board approved a policy in 2004 that "the chair is the spokesperson for the board and is responsible for external communications for matters under consideration by the board, as well as explaining board decisions and positions."
Despite the notion that trustees are "gagged," Blackburn said there is still room within the policy for all 12 trustees to have a voice.
'Obligation' to speak up
"My interpretation of our policy and the current chair's interpretation of the policy are quite different," Blackburn said, adding that the policy should be updated to allow trustees to share their thoughts to a greater degree.
"I'm an elected official. I have an obligation, from my perspective, to speak out when I feel I need to, in the best interest of our students and their families."
She said she notified the OCDSB communications office of the interview with CBC on Thursday "as a courtesy" only.
"I didn't ask the chair for permission to be here," she said.
"If journalists are having trouble getting a hold of us or interviewing us, I think that's detrimental to the board because it gives the perception that we're not transparent and that we might be trying to hide something."