5-month lockout at Rideau Carleton Raceway will end in binding arbitration
More than 120 locked out employees will return to work Thursday, union says

After a lockout that has lasted more than five months, a group of workers at the Rideau Carleton Raceway Slots and their employer have agreed to binding arbitration.
More than 120 employees have been locked out since December because of stalled contract negotiations with their employer, the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation.
The Public Service Alliance of Canada, which represents the workers, announced Friday that both parties have agreed to a process of binding arbitration to resolve any outstanding issues.
PSAC said the decision comes after months of lobbying efforts, which included direct conversations with the Premier, OLG and the union.
Larry Rousseau, a regional vice-president for the Public Service Alliance of Canada, said salary issues still need to be worked out.
"We have always maintained that we were not asking for the star, the sky and the moon. We were always asking for a reasonable increase for these members. And I believe a third party will see that once they look at the entire file," he said.
Employees are expected to return to work June 2.