Pet snake owners sought after reptile found in Hintonburg
Snake would be up for adoption in one week, says Little Ray's Reptile Zoo
The workers at Little Ray's Reptile Zoo seek the owners of a pet "corn snake" who slithered away from its home in Ottawa's Hintonburg neighbourhood.
The reptile, which is between two and three years old, is a member of the "rat snake" family and is one of the most common pet snakes, according to Michael Lyon, operations manager at Little Ray's Reptile Zoo.
Lyon said a volunteer from the zoo found the snake at the beginnin of June after it escaped from its home, and the reptile was taken in for care.
"This is not a dangerous snake," Lyon said. "They're very commonly kept as pets because of their beautiful colouration. He even has a nice pattern on his belly."

"They're very gentle snakes and almost never would bite you. They make an excellent pet," he said.
There is no way to know how long the snake was outside but he's in "excellent condition," Lyon added.
Signs are now posted in the area where the snake was found. The snake's owners should call Little Ray's Reptile Zoo to claim the animal at 613-822-8924.