Everything you need to know for Monday's provincial election in western Quebec
34 candidates running in 5 local electoral divisions

With Quebec voters heading to the polls on Monday, here's what you need to know about the provincial election and how to vote in the Outaouais.
A total of 34 candidates are running in the ridings of Gatineau, Papineau, Chapleau, Hull and Pontiac.

In the electoral division of Gatineau, there are seven candidates running. They are:
- Caryl Green, Quebec Liberal Party
- Danilo Velasquez, Canadian Party of Québec
- Joëlle Jammal, Conservative Party of Quebec
- Laura Avalos, Québec Solidaire
- Raphaël Déry, Parti Québécois
- Robert Bussière, Coalition Avenir Québec (Incumbent)
- Robert Dupuis, Démocratie Directe

In the electoral division of Hull, there are six candidates running. They are:
- Camille Pellerin-Forget, Parti Québécois
- Lise Couture, Conservative Party of Quebec
- Maryse Gaudreault, Quebec Liberal Party (Incumbent)
- Mathieu Perron-Dufour, Québec Solidaire
- Rachid Jemmah, Green Party of Quebec
- Suzanne Tremblay, Coalition Avenir Québec

In the electoral division of Chapleau, there are seven candidates running. They are:
- Anne-Marie Meunier, Climat Québec
- Assumpta Ndengeyingoma, Quebec Liberal Party
- Marisa Gutierrez, Parti Québécois
- Mathieu Lévesque, Coalition Avenir Québec (Incumbent)
- Matthieu Kadri, Conservative Party of Quebec
- Pierre Soublière, Parti Marxiste-Léniniste du Québec
- Sabrina Labrecque-Boivin, Québec Solidaire

In the electoral division of Papineau, there are seven candidates running. They are:
- Audrey-Ann Chicoine, Parti Québécois
- Cédric Brazeau, Démocratie Directe
- Marc Carrière, Conservative Party of Quebec
- Marie-Claude Latourelle, Québec Solidaire
- Mathieu Lacombe, Coalition Avenir Québec (Incumbent)
- Melissa Arbour, Green Party of Quebec
- Wittlyn Kate Semervil, Quebec Liberal Party

In the electoral division of Pontiac, there are seven candidates running. They are:
- André Fortin, Quebec Liberal Party (Incumbent)
- Corinne Canuel-Jolicoeur, Coalition Avenir Québec
- Jolaine Paradis-Châteauneuf, Parti Québécois
- Mike Owen Sebagenzi, Québec Solidaire
- Pierre Cyr, Green Party of Quebec
- Terrence Watters, Conservative Party of Quebec
- William Twolan, Canadian Party of Québec
What you need to vote
Canadian citizens 18 and older who have lived in Quebec for at least six months can vote — but make sure you're registered.
You can't cast your ballot unless your name is on the voters list. You can check that your name is registered online. If your name is not listed, or if you find an error, you can register or fix it now.
You have until Thursday, Sept. 28 at 2 p.m. ET to rectify the situation.
You must have one of these pieces of ID:
- Driver's licence.
- Health insurance card.
- Canadian passport.
- Certificate of Indian Status.
- Canadian Armed Forces identity card.
If you don't have the required documents, election officers will try to verify your identity through other means.
Polling stations are open from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 3.