Ottawa universities and colleges prepare for legal cannabis
Carleton plans outright ban, while La Cité would allow marijuana in a certain area of campus
Students returning to Ottawa's colleges and universities this fall could find that their ability to smoke recreational marijuana on campus may depend on which school they attend.
Ontario will allow anyone over the age of 19 to purchase cannabis once it becomes legal next month, but the provincial government has banned its use in public, restricting anyone who wants to smoke to private homes.
But that won't necessarily include university residences.
David Oladejo, president of the Carleton University Students Association, said the university is still finalizing its policies around marijuana, which are set to be released by the end of the month.
Similar to alcohol, marijuana won't be permitted to be delivered to students in residence, nor will students be allowed to grow plants anywhere on campus because it's considered both a public place and workplace.
The university has said students will be allowed to possess up to 30 grams of recreational marijuana, once the legislation comes into effect, but will not be allowed to smoke it anywhere on campus.
"Right now, there won't be designated smoking zones on campus like we have for cigarettes," Oladejo said.

Not everyone is in favour of that approach.
"I don't really understand where they're coming from, disallowing it on campus," said Omar Moustafa, a first-year Carleton student.
Moustafa said he doesn't smoke, but still feels there's a disconnect between the university's policies around cigarettes and marijuana.
"Personally, I think that cigarettes are more harmful," he said. "So they should be stopping that more than marijuana."
Different policies across campuses
Carleton's prospective policy is similar to that of the University of Ottawa, which says marijuana will be prohibited on campus.
The university also participates in the Council of Ontario Universities Task Force, which is studying the effects of cannabis on campuses across Ontario.
However,La Cité collégiale said smoking marijuana will only be allowed in a specific area of the campus, with the college applying the same guidelines for the drug as it has for alcohol, drugs and medications.
Algonquin College said it is still finalizing its marijuana policies.

Back at Carleton, first-year international student Philip Weber is from the Netherlands, where marijuana has been decriminalized for personal use for decades.
"That means it's less secretive and a bit more open for use, and that people are able to talk about it more with the health risks and also just making sure that there's good quality," Weber said.
When you're on campus, you're here for one reason — and that's to get your education.- Erica Scott, parent
Weber doesn't expect the prohibition of recreational cannabis on campus will necessarily dissuade anyone from using it, since they could easily leave campus to light up.
But at least one parent applauded Carleton's policy to ban the drug.
"[Students are] here for an education and not to party," said Erica Scott, who has two children attending university and college in the city.
"So if they want to do that, fine. Off campus is perfect. But when you're on campus, you're here for one reason — and that's to get your education."

- An earlier version of this story quoted CUSA President David Oladejo as saying “In residence, students won't be allowed to possess marijuana.” The university has clarified that students over the age of 19 will be allowed to possess marijuana anywhere on campus, but smoking will still be prohibited.Sep 03, 2018 11:45 AM EDT
- An earlier version of this article said the University of Ottawa could allow smoking in private residences. In fact, the school would not allow smoking anywhere on campus, including residences.Sep 03, 2018 10:02 AM EDT