Fewer LRT trains running again this morning
The city will operate more Special buses to help alleviate crowds

Eleven trains will be operating during this morning's rush hour, says OC Transpo boss John Manconi.
This is the third day in a row the LRT system will run without enough trains to meet rider demand.
During rush hours, OC Transpo typically has 13 trains on the tracks, with 11 trains working during slower periods.
When all 13 are operational, a train arrives approximately every four minutes to pick up commuters. When only 11 trains run, that frequency drops to every five minutes.
- Maintenance company falling down on the job: Transit chair
- Train shortage causes LRT delays, crowding
It's been a bumpy few days for OC Transpo. While Monday morning also only had 10 trains ferrying Ottawans, Tuesday morning had as few as eight.
To help alleviate the crowds, the agency has been running "Special" route buses alongside its trains, which it plans to do again this morning.
Those go from Tunney's Pasture station straight to Slater and Albert streets, and from Hurdman station to the Mackenzie King Bridge near the NAC downtown in the morning.
In the afternoon, they go straight from Albert and O'Connor streets (the World Exchange Plaza block) to Tunney's Pasture and Hurdman.
They will run 7:30 to 9 a.m. and 3 to 5:30 p.m., like yesterday.
Riders, one thing I haven't seen is an exact route these Special buses are taking between Tunney's/Hurdman and downtown. Is it basically mirroring where buses went before Oct. 6?
A special transit commission meeting is planned for Thursday, allowing the city to receive an update on the Confederation Line and bus service.
Officials with both RTG and OC Transpo are expected to attend.
This is the seventh straight day with an issue disrupting the schedule on the Confederation Line, the longest such streak since it launched.