
Gatineau tightens tap on water usage with new sprinkler rules

As spring begins, Gatineau is implementing tight new restrictions on when residents can use sprinklers to water their lawns. City council adopted the changes Tuesday evening as part of a provincewide effort to reduce potable water use by 20 per cent.

Sprinklers allowed just 2 days a week between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m., use of timers banned

A water sprinkler with a green hose spray a lawn.
Under the new rules, Gatineau residents will only be allowed to use sprinklers to water their lawns two days a week. The use of timers will be banned. (Dillon Hodgin/CBC)

As spring begins, the City of Gatineau, Que., is implementing tight new restrictions on when residents can use sprinklers to water their lawns.

Gatineau city council adopted the changes Tuesday evening as part of a provincewide effort to reduce potable water use by 20 per cent.

Starting immediately, residents may only use sprinklers between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. two days a week: Tuesdays and Fridays for residents whose street address ends in an even number, and Sundays and Wednesdays for those with odd-numbered addresses.

The use of automatic timers on sprinklers will also be banned. Previously, sprinkler use was allowed three days per week. 

In-ground irrigation systems may now be used just one day a week between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.: Tuesdays for even-numbered addresses, Wednesdays for odd numbers.

Manual irrigation is permitted every day except Monday.

Councillor predicts 'discontent'

According to the city, water consumption can double overnight in some areas around 3 a.m. compared to the evening.

Coun. Marc Bureau said the restrictions are an attempt to reduce water consumption overnight when many residents set their timers.

"We see that there is a peak at night when there is automatic watering, so this is probably the best way to reduce Gatineau residents' water consumption a little," Bureau told reporters in French prior to the vote.

Coun. Mario Aubé opposed the changes, and said banning the use of timers would make it difficult for overnight workers including police officers and nurses to maintain their lawns.

"They won't have the chance to water their lawns anymore. There are plenty of people who are proud of having a green lawn," Aubé said in French.

"We're going to find ourselves in a situation where I can already see the discontent coming this summer."