Ryan Garland
CBC producer
Ryan Garland is a producer, writer and editor at CBC Ottawa. He can be reached at [email protected].
Latest from Ryan Garland

Woman claims she's victim of 'love bombing,' owed thousands
An Ottawa woman says a whirlwind two-month romance has left her nearly $300,000 in debt and married to a man she now alleges manipulated her to gain access to her money.
Canada -Ottawa |

These Ottawa landlords say they've fallen victim to the same 'professional' tenants
Four different landlords in and around the same Ottawa suburb say they’ve fallen victim to the same "professional" tenants who have been living mostly rent-free for years. The homeowners say over four years, the couple racked up nearly $100,000 in unpaid rent.
Canada -Ottawa |

These landlords agreed to help with homelessness, but end up with trashed properties
Some landlords in Ottawa are raising alarm bells about the city’s housing first program. They say some tenants aren't getting the proper support from housing agencies and damages are piling up.
Canada -Ottawa |

Point of View
I was Juror No. 1
The CBC's Ryan Garland recently served on the jury in a high-profile case of an Ottawa man accused of killing his adult son. This is his account of the sometimes agonizing six weeks he spent as Juror No. 1
Canada -Ottawa |