Sydney Mines couple plans to spend on family after $1.5M lottery win
Clint and Pat Lettice say they will pay off children's mortgages, go to Europe, buy car and host family party

A couple from Sydney Mines, N.S., has won $1.5 million in the Atlantic Lottery.
Clint and Pat Lettice bought their Super Set For Life ticket at Brewer's Convenience in North Sydney.
Neither the couple nor the store owner would comment.
In a news release from the lottery corporation, the Lettices say they plan to pay off their children's mortgages, take a trip to Europe and buy a new vehicle.
They also plan to host a pool party when the weather warms up for their three children, 10 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
"We wish we could have brought them all here with us today," Pat said after picking up their winnings. "But we'll all celebrate together at home."
This is the second lottery win in Cape Breton this year. A woman from New Waterford won $31 million last month.