Nova Scotia blueberry farmers get $1m from Ottawa and province
Wild blueberry farmers in Nova Scotia will receive more than one-million dollars in government funding over the next three years.
Lowbush Blueberry Development Program is designed to improve production techniques

Wild blueberry farmers in Nova Scotia will receive more than one-million dollars in government funding over the next three years.
The $1.08 million will support the Lowbush Blueberry Development Program, which is funded under a cost-shared 60-40 agreement between the federal and provincial governments.
The provincial government says the program is designed to improve production techniques and help blueberry farmers remain cost competitive.
In a release, the government says it made the announcement at the Wild Blueberry Producers Association's annual field day in Colchester on Saturday.
Government figures show wild blueberries account for more than half the value of all fruit production in Nova Scotia.