New Glasgow Convergys call centre shuts down
Nearly 200 people out of full time jobs

Frustrated Pictou County, N.S., workers left the Convergys call centre for the last time today.
"I think there should have been a better chance. I think the government should do something about jobs in Pictou County," said Rick Hartling.
Originally from Halifax, he moved to Pictou County a decade ago and started at the New Glasgow call centre eight years ago.
At 59, he said he's "too old" to go back to school and retrain, so will have to go on employment insurance.
He said local job prospects are bleak. He's been looking since March, with no luck.
Ron Baillie, warden for the county, agreed they need to create a better business climate in the region.
"We have to look at ways of turning the economy around," he said.
"We have to make Pictou County a better place to live, a better place to do business."
Convergys opened the centre in 2001 and it employed 194 full time people.