Moncton shooting: From lockdown to Justin Bourque's arrest
'Justin came out with his hands up, and he said, "I'm done,"' eyewitness tells CBC News

Justin Bourque — who is suspected of shooting five RCMP officers, three fatally — was arrested, ending a lockdown of Moncton, N.B., of more than 24 hours.
The following is a timeline of the events that led to Bourque's arrest, all in AT:
Wednesday, June 4:
7:20 p.m. — Police received a call about a man wearing camouflage, walking around a Moncton neighbourhood with guns.
7:20 p.m. to 9 p.m. — Witnesses report hearing shots fired. A video Vanessa Bernatchez later posts to Facebook shows the gunman opening fire, apparently killing at least one police officer.
9:12 p.m. AT — New Brunswick RCMP go to Twitter to tell people in the Hildegard and Ryan Road areas to “remain inside due to an ongoing shooting in the area."
9:20 p.m. to 9:43 p.m. — RCMP tweet more warnings, cautioning those in other neighbourhoods to remain inside. Say the suspect is believed to be in the woods near Pinecrest.
10:17 p.m. — RCMP confirm they’re looking for 24-year-old Justin Bourque, of Moncton, who is considered armed and dangerous. They ask anyone who may have seen the suspect to call 911. RCMP tweet picture of suspect that was taken by Viktor Pivovarov for the Times and Transcript.
10:54 p.m. — RCMP confirm over Twitter that five officers have been shot, and three were killed. Search for shooter continues. In the meantime, RCMP continue to tell people in the Pinehurst subdivision to stay inside their homes.
Thursday, June 5:
7:43 a.m. — RCMP tweet out a map, asking anyone within the marked perimeter to remain locked inside their homes. Roads are blocked off.
11:15 a.m. — RCMP hold a news conference. Plead to people to not post police movements on social media, fearing the suspect is monitoring Twitter and Facebook for information.
4:30 p.m. — The search for the suspect continues. RCMP hold another briefing, remind people to stay inside and stay safe until the man is captured.
7:59 p.m. AT — RCMP ask public on Twitter to turn on their exterior lights to help police.
Friday, June 6:
12:10 a.m. AT — After more than 24 hours on the run, RCMP arrest Bourque.
8 a.m. AT — RCMP schedule a news conference to update media and public on the events of the last few days.