Man acquitted of 'sleepwatching' gets 5 years for break-in
Barry Sinclair still in custody

A Dartmouth, N.S., man was sentenced to five years in prison today for break and enter after being acquitted in November of five voyeurism charges.
Barry Edward Sinclair, 51, will get credit for time-served in custody for his five-year sentence starting from March 1, 2012.
Sinclair was found guilty of breaking into a south-end Halifax home a year and a half ago. His cellphone was found in a mop bucket in a woman's apartment.
Prior to Sinclair's arrest, more than a dozen women in Halifax's south end reported they woke up in their homes to find a man watching or touching them.
The man was given the moniker the "sleepwatcher."
During the trial, the Crown presented a video seized from Sinclair's home of recordings of women undressing in their apartments.
While the judge accepted there was a second break-in, he questioned the evidence used to tie Sinclair to the crime.
A woman told court she woke to find a man in her bedroom, his mouth open as he stared at her. But the 22-year-old did not pick Sinclair when she examined a police lineup.