Lyle Howe's trial enters 3rd day of testimony
Halifax lawyer charged with sexual assault and administering a noxious substance

The woman accusing prominent Halifax defence lawyer Lyle Howe of drugging and sexually assaulting her three years ago will have to spend a third day on the witness stand.
Howe has pleaded not guilty to sexual assault and administering a noxious substance. The charges were laid after an alleged incident on March 21, 2011, involving a 19-year-old woman.
The complainant, now 22, has spent the past two days answering questions from prosecutors. Howe's defence lawyer will cross-examine her once they finish presenting the evidence.
The woman testified she awoke the morning after a night out naked and disoriented, with little memory of what had happened the night before. She said she didn't remember having sex but said she felt sore and there were condoms scattered around her apartment.
The complainant went to the hospital later that morning to be tested for sexual assault.
She said she didn't know Howe but agreed to go out with him and his friend. She said she Googled him and felt secure knowing he was a lawyer.