Hubley family finds construction garbage dumped on access road to house
Nails, metal, shingles, roofing tar paper, and garbage found by family on Huck Finn Road

A family in Hubley has a messy mystery to solve after a truckload of construction debris was dumped on the access road to their home.
The Richter family has the only permanent residence on Huck Finn Road. They say they discovered the pile of nails, metal, shingles, roofing tar paper, and garbage just before noon on Monday.
Robert Richter said the garbage cuts off the main access to their residence. They now use a secondary driveway off St. Margarets Bay Road which is supposed to be for their business, Richter said.
"I would say it's a small dump truck full — three to four cubic yards of material," he said.
"So it's like a fairly large pile, maybe 12 feet long by eight feet wide to three and a half to four feet high."
A Department of Transportation crew arrived at the debris site Wednesday morning and removed a small portion of the pile. The workers plan to bring equipment Thursday to remove the rest of it.
Richter says they called the police. They arrived at the house Tuesday to sift through the debris, looking for anything that could identify the culprits. He says they found nothing.
Richter, however, says the family has their own theory.
"We think it was someone early in the morning," he said.
"Because of the holiday, they probably forgot to unload it at the dump site and didn't realize there was a holiday. Then they realized they had a full truck and said, 'I have to dump this.'"
Bill Fleet lives in the Hubley area and hopes whoever is responsible for dumping the debris will be caught.
"It's a pretty raw deal when people are dumping garbage on any street they can find," said Fleet.
"It's just terrible and I think people should stand up and keep an eye on what's going on and start writing down plate numbers of people like these guys and nail them."
Richter's wife Susan posted pictures and a detailed account of the dumping on Facebook. They are hoping someone will have information. The Facebook post has been shared 1,200 times in a day and a half.
"It's just kind of blown up in how many hits and shares we're receiving," said Richter.