Fishermen rescued after fishing boat sinks off Pubnico, N.S.
Transportation Safety Board team investigating

Three fishermen were rescued after their vessel ran aground and sank Monday off Pubnico on Nova Scotia's south shore.
"All crew members, there were three, were rescued by other fishing vessels in the area," said Julie Leroux, a spokeswoman at the Transportation Safety Board of Canada.
Leroux said she didn't know the condition of the crew members of the Don Cadegan.
The TSB has sent a team of investigators to interview the crew in order to determine what happened.
Information is limited at this time, but Leroux said she hopes for an update later today or Wednesday.
Online ship tracking service shows the vessel just off Murder Island, one of the Tusket Islands. According to the website, the Don Cadegan left Lower West Pubnico shortly after 1 p.m. on Monday and ran aground about three hours later.
Local lore attributes Murder Island's name to the number of human remains found on the island, possibly due to fighting between Europeans and First Nations people, or fighting between two warring tribes in the 1700s.