CBRM revokes defunct volunteer fire department's registration to deter new startup
Mayor says some firefighters talking about restarting Tower Road department, but council vote makes it final

Cape Breton Regional Municipality has officially revoked the Tower Road volunteer fire department's registration to let the community know the service no longer exists and is not coming back.
The department's chief voluntarily gave up the registration in March, and the area is now covered by volunteer firefighters from nearby Glace Bay.
Mayor Amanda McDougall said council voted to take the extra step to revoke the registration on Tuesday after a nearly hour-long meeting behind closed doors. The meeting comes amid chatter in the Tower Road community about forming another volunteer department.
But McDougall said the department folded in the first place because it does not have enough firefighters with basic training to run a functioning station.
"The fact that there are only three Level 1 firefighters when the basic requirement is 12 in the funding model, it's quite concerning," McDougall said. "Council has a responsibility to provide service and public safety to the community, and that, for sure, does not meet the requirements."
Spokesperson Desiree Magnus said Cape Breton regional police have been asked to investigate the possible theft of funds from the former Tower Road department, but provided no other details.
McDougall said she could not comment on that.
"I do know that there is an active police investigation, but that's the extent of our knowledge," McDougall said.
The mayor said the station's equipment has already been distributed to other CBRM communities and there is no plan to restart the Tower Road department.
She suggested first responders in the area help out other struggling departments.
"There are dedicated community individuals who want to keep providing services, fire services, medical first responders," McDougall said.
"There are a great many volunteer departments who are in need of volunteers, so I hope they share their skills."