
Watch CBC Yukon's federal candidate forum

The five candidates vying to be Yukon's MP took part in a forum Wednesday evening in Whitehorse, hosted by CBC. Watch the Facebook Live stream here.

All 5 candidates took part in Wednesday night's forum in Whitehorse

Yukon's 5 federal candidates: Larry Bagnell (Liberal), Justin Lemphers (NDP), Lenore Morris (Green), Jonas Smith (Conservative), Joseph Zelezny (PPC). (CBC)

The five people vying to be Yukon's MP were on stage Wednesday evening, taking part in CBC Yukon's candidates forum.

Liberal Larry Bagnell, the NDP's Justin Lemphers, the Green Party's Lenore Morris, Conservative Jonas Smith and People's Party candidate Joseph Zelezny took questions from the live audience in Whitehorse, and those listening or watching from afar.

The two-hour forum was streamed live on CBC Yukon's Facebook page, and broadcast on CBC Radio One in Yukon.

The discussion was moderated by CBC Airplay host Dave White.