
Your North: Best reader photos for the week of May 16

Here are some of the best photos you sent us from around the North this week.

Send in your photos to our Facebook page or email [email protected]

The talented Kristian Binder sent us this great drone shot, which he said was taken down by the river in Inuvik. (Submitted by Kristian Binder)

Here are some of the best photos you sent us from around the North this week.

A bear and his boat in the N.W.T. Staff from the Hay River Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre staff travelled to Jean Marie River last week, and found this fella taking a break. (Submitted by Brittany Hendrickson)
A beach grass basket with a pattern of sinew thread and a soapstone carving on top. This amazing work comes from Sanikiluaq, Nunavut. Caroline Mickiyuk said her mother, Sarah Mickiyuk, has made baskets like this for 20 years, and it took her three weeks to make this one. (Submitted by Caroline Mickiyuk)
Jessica Heliana shared this photo from her trip from Tagish to Whitehorse. (Submitted by Jessica Heliana)
There's nothing like the beauty of spring. This picture of Alsek Valley, Haines Junction, captures that beauty perfectly. (Submitted by Jenna Elle)
This mysterious bear was spotted on the Ingraham Trail near Yellowknife. It looks like a brown bear, but is it? (Submitted by Martin Male)