'Taken at Alexandra Falls on Sunday, December 6th,' says Marilyn Marshall. 'With the warm temperatures in the South Slave, [N.W.T.], the river is still open water and the falls ... still flowing.' (Submitted by Marilyn Marshall)
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Here are some of the best photos from around the North that you sent us this week.
Vincent the pup pulling the Grinch! Leah Mandeville says it was taken on Range Lake in Yellowknife. She normally gets a photo like this done every year at a local pet shop. This year, she decided to go for it herself with her own props. (Submitted by Leah Mandeville)
Now aren't these a beautiful pair of mukluks? Sophie Stefure said that this is her first pair of beaded mukluks with moose hide soles/trim and sherpa lining. Keep up the great work Sophie. (Submitted by Sophie Stefure)
Bison hunting in the Yukon. A gorgeous photo by Brett Boughen. (Submitted by Brett Boughen)
The sun slowly rising over Yellowknife's Niven Trail. This beautiful shot was captured by Meredith McNulty. (Submitted by Meredith McNulty)
'Caused by high winds and water,' says Shawn Buckley. Check out these gnarly ice formations along the south shore of Great Slave Lake, N.W.T. (Submitted by Shawn Buckley)