
Yukon entrepreneur with disability celebrates 1 year anniversary of successful startup

The Whitehorse woman, who has a rare genetic disorder called Charge Syndrome, decided she wanted to fill a 'niche' in town.

27-year-old Mallory Pigage decided she wanted to fill a 'niche' in town

Mallory Pigage started up her postering business in Whitehorse last April. This spring, she marked her one year anniversary. (Sandi Coleman/CBC)

Back in January of last year, Mallory Pigage decided she wanted to start offering a courier service in town.

The Whitehorse woman, who has a rare genetic disorder called Charge Syndrome, soon realized people were only hiring her to plaster posters.

"We discovered it was a niche that needed to be filled," said Pigage's job coach Sharon Ulrich, who works with Yukon Ready, Willing and Able — a national initiative, funded by the federal government, that helps find meaningful employment for people with intellectual disabilities.

That's when 27-year-old Pigage decided to make a bold business move: Mallory's Postering Service bloomed last spring.

Pigage has more than 100 postering locations around town. (Sandi Coleman/CBC)

One year later, Pigage's small business is still going strong.

"I'm very busy," said Pigage, who's made a successful move to full-time hours, five days a week.

"Mallory's hoppin'," said Ulrich.

Program a 'huge help' 

Pigage says the best thing about her business is meeting fellow Yukoners and making friends — whether it's the man who owns the wine store, or the woman at the tea shop.

Pigage said she knows "probably half" the town.

Pigage and her job coach Sharon Ulrich work together, as a part of the Ready, Willing and Able project funded by the federal government. (Sandi Coleman/CBC)

Pigage posters mainly in the downtown region, and has over 100 locations across Whitehorse to choose from.

But finding an open spot is difficult at times, especially with the myriad of events in Whitehorse.

"Mallory is really respectful when she posters. She never covers a poster that hasn't already expired," said Ulrich.

Pigage said there are perks to her business.

"I get free tickets to any of the shows that I want. It's an extra bonus."

Pigage has expanded her business to full time hours, five days a week. (Sandi Coleman/CBC)

Roughly 100 clients have been hired over the past two years with the Ready, Willing and Able program in the Yukon.

Pigage said the program has influenced her life positively.

"It's been a huge help, not just for me but for other clients that [have] jobs," said Pigage.