Cole Bosum
Cole Bosum is from the Cree Nation of Oujé-Bougoumou in northern Quebec. He is a researcher with the Cree unit at CBC North and has an interest in politics and data journalism. He currently lives in Montreal.
Latest from Cole Bosum

Four First Nations acquire Hilton Quebec hotel
The James Bay Cree have partnered with the Naskapi, Huron-Wendat, and Mi'gmaq of Gespe'gewa'gi to become majority stakeholders of the Hilton Hotel in Quebec City.
Canada -North -Northern Quebec |

Cree hold 'eye-opening' discussions on how development happens in northern Quebec
Close to 300 hunters and tallymen, as traditional land users are called in Quebec, were registered for the meeting that happened in Mistissini, Que., last week, but organizers say closer to 500 were in the room.
Canada -North |