Pouch Cove residents fed up with dirty water

People in Pouch Cove have had dirty water running from their taps for weeks — and are fed up.
The tap water is filled with mud and sediment, but the town council believes it's safe to drink.
Residents like Jenna Elliott aren't so sure.

Like most others in Pouch Cove, Elliott doesn't drink the tap water.
"It would have sediment in it, and you'd look at the water and there would be stuff floating around in it ... it isn't healthy," said Elliott.
"You wouldn't want to drink it, or give it to your animals, or shower or even wash your clothes in it."
More than 600 houses are on the town water supply.
The water is treated, but there is no filter to get rid of the mud. So when it comes out of the tap, it's brown.
"After you get a bath there's usually a ring just from the water itself. We used to put pantyhose over the tap, so it would collect a lot of the dirt that's coming in through the taps."

Mayor Joedy Wall has lived in Pouch Cove for 40 years, and hasn't had a drink from the tap in about 15.
"I've seen the water at its worst state and at its best ... over the last couple of weeks, it's been the worst I've seen it," said Wall.
Wall said heavy rain has caused the water supply to overflow.
"It picks up debris, leaves twigs and other dirt surrounding the area and it all gets encompassed back into the water."
Wall said the town is now looking at options to clean up the water.
There are plans to meet with the provincial government next week to try to come up with a solution.