NDP housing complaint 'fictitious' or MHA failed duty to help, says minister
'Either Tom does not exist, or the honourable member left the individual in a state of vulnerability': Byrne

The House of Assembly spent part of Wednesday's question period on whether "Tom", a person the NDP says is living in deplorable subsidized housing, actually exists.
NDP MHA Gerry Rogers raised concerns over boarding house conditions Tuesday in the house.
Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Gerry Byrne said he'd look into it, but a day later, he had been given no name and accused Rogers of putting politics over a person's health.
"Whenever we find out that an individual's safety and security is placed in question, when their health is compromised, we all have a duty to act and act quickly and that includes Ms. Rogers," Byrne told reporters.
"So after 24 hours passing with no information being conveyed that caused me great concern because Madame Rogers shares that duty."

Rogers shared photos with the media showing missing electrical face plates, a loose toilet and filthy bathtub.
Name needed
But that wasn't enough for Byrne who demanded a name.
"Instead of providing a name so that independent social workers, trained professionals can respond to the needs of this individual, instead we get photos, this is not acceptable," he said.
"Either this individual has not received a duty of care from this member, or there is a fictitious account that has been raised on the floor of this house."

Haggie later withdrew the comments after the NDP house leader objected, saying they violated house rules that prevents members from accusing each other of lying.
Issue bigger than one person: Rogers
Byrne said if Rogers had serious concerns they should have been brought to him immediately rather than waiting to raise it in the House of Assembly.
But Rogers said she brought up this issue because it's about more than one person.
"He's not in immediate danger. The issue I was raising is a systemic issue and is an issue I've raised in the house a number of times in the last few years," she said.
After question period Rogers handed over a file with the man's name. Byrne said he's asked social workers to immediately check into the concerns.