Jane Adey
CBC News
Jane Adey hosts CBC's Land and Sea. She formerly hosted CBC Radio's The Broadcast, and has worked for many other CBC programs, including Here & Now and On The Go.
Latest from Jane Adey

Land & Sea: It doesn't get more tight-knit than this 'boot hockey' tournament in Isle aux Morts
It's quiet, but there is still lots of energy in Isle aux Morts. Every year, during a few days in February, there is a deep expression of love, not just for St. Valentine, but for the community and a great Canadian game — hockey. This year marked the 10th annual Isle aux Morts Winter Classic.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Land & Sea: 60 years of memories from the road
Land & Sea is nearing the end of its 60th season on the air. Sixty seasons is no small feat in the fickle world of television. The show started in 1964, four years after Coronation Street began, and five years before Sesame Street would become a children's favourite.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Land & Sea: One step ahead of nature
How a provincial growing program helps vegetable farmers.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Land & Sea: Rock climbing rapture on the cliffs of Newfoundland
Newfoundland and Labrador’s spectacular rock isn't just a draw for photographers. For some, jagged cliffs and banks of boulders are meant to be gripped and scaled. They are rock climbers. The Land & Sea team visited some of the sites on the Avalon Peninsula.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

The Corey and Trina rock: Land & Sea digs into the story of some famous highway graffiti
Land & Sea usually takes viewers off of the highway and into the beautiful rural towns in Newfoundland and Labrador for stories. But this season, we decided to tell a story about the highway and a particular sign that drivers have been noticing for many years now — 30 years to be exact.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Land & Sea
Land & Sea goes fishing for sharks, history and education
A tourism operator in Hare Bay takes people shark fishing, but also gathers information on these apex predators for researchers at Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Land & Sea heads to the lobster grounds to find out why the fishery is booming
This past spring, when I was hearing so much about the abundance of lobsters in our waters, I wanted to find out what was going on.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Land & Sea: The legacy of Nellie Winters, a much-loved Inuit crafts legend
Nellie Winters is 87. From the time she was a child, her hands and mind have been busy pursuing her love of Inuit art and craft.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Land & Sea
Land & Sea goes trouting for the big ones in western Newfoundland
The Land & Sea crew heads to an area known for big fish on Newfoundland's west coast.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Land & Sea
Land & Sea marks 60 years on the air
The year was 1964. Ford unveiled its first Mustang at the New York World's Fair and the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. It was also the year the CBC decided to launch a brand new show in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |