Previously entangled right whale spotted free of gear
The whale was seen swimming off the coast of Miscou Island on New Brunswick’s northeastern shore

A North Atlantic right whale that was seen entangled in fishing gear in late June has now been spotted swimming free of any gear, according to Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
The whale was swimming off the coast of Miscou Island on New Brunswick's northeastern shore, according to a tweet from the department posted on Friday.
The whale, identified only as #4440, was first observed entangled in fishing gear on June 29.
The whale was partially disentangled on July 16 by the Campobello Whale Rescue Team when the team was able to cut rope connecting the whale's mouth and tail.
At least four right whales have been seen entangled in fishing gear in the Gulf of St. Lawrence this summer.
Eight right whales have been found dead in Canadian waters since June.