New Brunswick

Loch Lomond Villa brings trishaw cycling program to Canada

A new cycling program in Canada took its first spin in Saint John on Tuesday.

Hybrid of bicycle and rickshaw imported from Denmark to let seniors enjoy cycling

Cycling Without Age

10 years ago
Duration 2:17
A new program in Saint John is getting seniors back out on the open road.

Cycling Without Age, a new cycling program in Canada, took its first spin in Saint John on Tuesday.

The program lets seniors take back the experience of riding on the open road.

The program originated in Denmark and uses a unique-looking bicycle called a trishaw that has seats for two passengers in front with the pilot on the rear.

Cindy Donovan, the chief executive officer of Loch Lomand Villa, was excited to bring the bike to seniors in Canada.

"We're always looking at new initiatives and how we can get them out into the community and still play a role in the community where they've lived," said Donovan.

The Cycling Without Age program using trishaws originated in Denmark. (CBC)
"This way the bike is able to take them on a tour of where their home used to be or some memories of things they've done in their childhood so it's a great way to improve their quality of life."

The trishaw — a hybrid of a rickshaw and a bicycle — at Loch Lomond Villa is the only one in Canada at the moment.

Donovan is trying to get the City of Saint John to bring more bicycles to nursing homes, improve bike lanes and strengthen the cycling movement in the city.

Cycling Without Age started in Copenhagen with five bikes. It is now in 22 countries and co-founder Dorthe Pederson says it's a movement that she hopes will continue growing.

"We're hoping this can promote a cycling culture and people will show an interest," she said.

"Not just in racing down the highway on a bicycle, but in slow rides, because that's what it's about.

"It's about slow rides. Being together with people and enjoying and sharing your stories."