Illegal-cigarette seizures on the rise, say police
Police officers are finding increasing numbers of drivers carrying illegal cigarettes during routine checkstops in New Brunswick, says RCMP Const. Tony Vienneau.
Checkstops set up in the Fredericton area last week led police to seize 500,000 illegal cigarettes.
"The quantity may not be as high, but almost regularly now they're finding contraband in the form of illegal cigarettes, whether it's in quantities such as this or if it's just individuals with smaller amounts," Vienneau said.
The cigarettes were seized at two separate checkstops and have resulted in more than $250,000 in fines being placed again two people, police said.
Both men were charged under the New Brunswick Tobacco Tax Act and the federal Excise Act.
Kevin Quinn, 41, of Quebec was arrested at a checkstop on the Trans-Canada Highway near the New Maryland exit after his vehicle was found be carrying 220,000 illegal cigarettes.
Quinn appeared in court on June 19 and pleaded guilty to charges related to the possession of illegal cigarettes and was fined $116,976.13.
Paul Rouleau, 51, of Ontario was also arrested on Highway 2 near the Deerwood Scales after 280,000 cigarettes were found in his vehicle. Rouleau also pleaded guilty to charges on June 19 and was fined $148,300. Rouleau has been ordered to remain in custody until his fines are paid.