Fredericton plans to use part of Carleton Park for parking lot
Residents living near Carleton Park say a new parking lot would be an eyesore

The City of Fredericton is planning to pave parking spaces next to the new Picaroons brewery on the north side. It will take up a section of waterfront property in Carleton Park.
"I'm appalled that they would take a public park and put parking into it," said Bob Mabie, who lives across the road from where the parking lot would be.

"You just don't take public parks and make parking lots. Fredericton is supposed to be a green town. It's not going to be very green if we put parking lots in them," said Mabie.
If it goes forward, three trees and a building will need to be taken down.
"It's really going to be an eyesore for the park," said Mabie.
The city will build the parking lot, and the land will still be owned by the city.
Eric Megarity is deputy mayor, and councillor for the area. He said the addition of parking was part of the deal with Picaroons since the beginning.
"They've lost parking on the other side... so he's going to return that back to green space," said Megarity.
"The deal was the city would work on getting some parking here but he has to maintain the parking over time."

"Some people were surprised about how big it will be. Now is their room to negotiate a smaller part or configure it? Nothing is set in stone right now," said Megarity.
"It has to go through PAC and then it has to come to council so, if people have concerns... now is the time to do it."
The Planning Advisory Committee will be meeting on Aug. 19 to discuss the parking lot.
"When you put pavement down in park everybody has a concern, and rightfully so, so we'll see if we can sit down and try and meet everyone's expectations," said Megarity.