New Brunswick

What the jury didn't hear during Zakkary Reed's murder trial

The jury in Zakkary Reed's first-degree murder trial began deliberations late Wednesday afternoon after about three weeks of testimony — minus some time when the accused felt poorly.

Zakkary Reed, 32, was accused of murdering Alexander Bishop

Man sits with his head down, one hand bloody and the other wrapped in a plastic bag.
This photo of Zakkary Reed was taken by police within hours of the shooting death of Alexander Bishop. Reed's right hand is wrapped in plastic to preserve evidence of gunshot residue. (Court of King's Bench)

There was a lot the jury didn't hear during Zakkary Reed's first-degree murder trial — like the reasons behind the repeated delays. 

The 12-member jury in Saint John began deliberations shortly before 5 p.m. Wednesday following final instructions from Justice Kathryn Gregory.  

Reed, 32, was accused of killing Alexander Bishop, 38, on Aug. 20, 2023. Reed admitted shooting Bishop at a building on King Street East but said it was self-defence.

Starting on Jan. 6, the jury heard from 32 witnesses over about three weeks, including Reed, the only defence witness.

But there were times the jury wasn't present, and the presentation of testimony was delayed.

While some delays were for the usual legal issues that arise during a trial, others were not so typical — and most were caused by Reed. 

Three days into the trial, Reed said he was feeling faint because he didn't like the lunch packed for him by the jail staff — and he refused the protein bars offered to him instead.

WATCH | What the jurors heard — and a few things they didn't — in the Reed murder trial: 

Toothaches and picky eating: This Saint John murder trial dragged on for 3 weeks

1 month ago
Duration 2:16
Zakkary Reed admitted to shooting Alexander Bishop but testified it was in self-defence.

The jury was sent home early that day. 

The next week, on Jan. 14, the jury was sent home because Reed had a headache. 

Then, first thing on the morning of Jan. 16, Reed said he had a toothache and couldn't continue. The jury was sent away until the afternoon, and Reed was taken back to the jail to get painkillers. 

Just before the jury was invited into the courtroom that afternoon, Reed said he was still in too much pain to continue. 

The judge suggested they carry on for an hour and then take a break. 

Man in blue graduation gown.
Bishop, seen here in the photo used for his obituary, died on Aug. 20, 2023, after being shot in the chest. (Brenan's Funeral Home)

"If I have to sit here and endure the pain, I'm going to become unruly," Reed said. 

Gregory asked defence lawyer Annie Maltais if she wanted more time to talk to her client. 

Reed responded, "There's nothing to say."

Reed said he would create "an outburst" if made to continue. 

Gregory explained that the entire jury had already been sent away so many times. 

Two red-brick buildings with a narrow alley between them.
Bishop was shot to death in a second-floor apartment of 170 King St. East. (Graham Thompson/CBC)

"Mr. Reed, I'm going to ask you to hang in there for an hour,"  Gregory said. 

Reed said he wanted it "on the record" that "I'm being held against my will."

They made it through about an hour of a witness who started his testimony the previous day but then the jury was sent home for the day. 

Jurors were also given the following day off so Reed could get his tooth pulled.

Standing ovation for Crown from accused 

The jury also missed the standing ovation Reed gave Crown prosecutor Elaina Campbell for her final address to the jury. 

Immediately after Campbell finished her summation on Wednesday morning, the jury walked out of the courtroom to take a break.

Just as the door to the jury room closed, Reed, who was still on his feet, started clapping slowly and loudly as he looked right at Campbell.


Mia Urquhart is a journalist with CBC New Brunswick, based in Saint John. She can be reached at [email protected].