Woman arrested after Dieppe shooting no longer in police custody
Police say 25-year-old woman remains in hospital

Police say a woman arrested after a shooting Saturday in Dieppe remains in hospital but is not in police custody and has not been charged.
The 25-year-old Nova Scotia woman was injured when an RCMP officer fired at and hit her, said Cpl. Jullie Rogers-Marsh, a spokesperson for RCMP in New Brunswick.
Police have released few details about what occurred.
RCMP initially said in a news release that emergency crews were "fired upon by a woman" when they responded to a report of a single-vehicle crash on Adélard-Savoie Boulevard near the Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport.
On Monday, however, Rogers-Marsh would only say a weapon was "used" by the woman and would not elaborate on what that meant.
"A weapon was used," Rogers-Marsh said. "As far as providing any other details, that's part of the ongoing investigation."
She said the RCMP member who fired at the woman caused her unspecified injuries. The woman was then arrested and taken to hospital with what police described as non-life-threatening injuries.

Police generally have 24 hours to hold a person in custody before they must be charged or released.
Rogers-Marsh said the woman had not been charged as of early Monday afternoon. Whether she is charged depends on the results of an investigation, she said.
Two separate investigations are underway.
The RCMP New Brunswick major crime unit and Codiac Regional RCMP are carrying out an investigation of the crash and what police described in a news release on Sunday as the "threatening actions" of the woman.

New Brunswick RCMP requested the Nova Scotia Serious Incident Response Team conduct a review of police actions.
The independent body investigates matters that involve death, serious injury, sexual assault and domestic violence or other issues of significant public interest that may have arisen from the actions of a police officer in Nova Scotia. Sometimes it carries out investigations in other provinces.
No estimate of investigation length
Ron Legere with the Serious Incident Response Team told Radio-Canada the investigation is focusing on the Mountie's actions that led to the woman's injuries.
The group is required to make a summary of the investigation available to the public. Legere wasn't able to estimate how long the investigation could take.
Rogers-Marsh did not have any information about whether the Mountie involved in the shooting remains on regular duties.
With files from Radio-Canada