New Brunswick

Moose rescued from wooden bridge near Bathurst

A hunter and a group of all-terrain vehicle drivers and forest rangers rescued a moose near east Bathurst this week, that had two legs stuck between the boards of a small wooden bridge.

Female moose had 2 legs caught between boards on a bridge made for all-terrain vehicles

A hunter rescued a moose from certain death this week in woods near east Bathurst.

The female moose had two legs stuck between the boards of a wooden bridge over Currie Creek, used by all-terrain vehicles, but not usually at this time of year.

Philippe Doucet told Radio-Canada he happened to be driving by Tuesday to check his rabbit snares and hunt coyote.

Doucet said he was shocked to see the big moose stuck on the bridge in his path.

The animal seemed to have lost hope, he said. There were icicles under its legs, so it had been there quite a while.

Doucet said he called forest rangers, then his uncle and two friends, and they set out on a rescue mission

The rangers brought a chainsaw, he said.

Someone cut two boards from the bridge deck. Someone else lifted the moose's legs from underneath, while others pulled from above.

The animal fell onto its side when they were finally able to get it unstuck, said Doucet.

Its legs seemed to be quite frozen up, but it slowly got to its feet and was able to walk. Luckily none of its legs were broken, he said.

A local official with the ATV federation said the incident has highlighted a problem with the way ATV bridges are built.

The bridge boards need to be spaced out so snow and water can get through, said Jacques Ouellette.

But the distance between them should probably not be greater than 2.5 cm so deer and moose hooves don't get caught, he said.

Ouellette said he's going to pass on that message to ATV clubs across the province.