Que. asbestos industry strikes back at Daily Show

Quebec's asbestos-mining industry is fighting back against the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which mocked the industry last week.
The head of the Jeffrey Mine called the satirical news report on the American program a tacky parody and in poor taste.
In a statement today, mine boss Bernard Coulombe says he didn't know what he was getting himself into and by the time he realized it was a parody, it was too late.
He says the only reason for last week's report was to discredit him and make the people of Asbestos, Que., look ignorant.
A comedian on the show mocked Coulombe for exporting asbestos to India. At one point, he even referred to Coulombe as a "douchebag."
In today's response, Coulombe insists that the type of substance that is mined in the Quebec town -- chrysotile -- has been proven to be safe.