Euthanasia recommended for dogs that mauled jogger in Eastern Townships
SPA de l’Estrie found the dogs present a 'very serious, and perhaps deadly, risk to the population'

Animal-protection authorities say three dogs that mauled a jogger in the Eastern Townships last Friday should be euthanized.
The SPA de l'Estrie assessed the dogs' behaviour, and found they are aggressive and present a "very serious, and perhaps deadly, risk to the population."
The victim, a 55-year-old woman, was jogging around 6:15 p.m. in Potton, about 140 kilometres southeast of Montreal, when the dogs escaped their home and attacked her, police said.
Mayor Jacques Marcoux said he will fight to have the dogs euthanized, but has to discuss the option with the municipal council first.
There will be a special council meeting on Monday to decide the dogs' fate. The municipality will also look into strengthening its animal control bylaw, Marcoux said.
The mayor knows the victim and said she is still in intensive care in hospital. She has had two, hours-long surgeries and is far from being healed, Marcoux said.