Richard Budgell
Richard Budgell is an assistant professor in the department of family medicine at McGill University and a doctoral student in the history of medicine. He was a public servant with the federal government for more than 30 years. He grew up primarily in Labrador and is an Inuk beneficiary under the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement.
Latest from Richard Budgell

COVID has affected Inuit communities differently. History and experience help explain why
Inuit have not had consistent experiences in the COVID-19 pandemic. In a guest column for CBC Opinion, Inuk researcher Richard Budgell writes it will continue to be "vitally important that Inuit make the right decisions, for our survival as a people."
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

First Person
Why we need more Indigenous perspectives in health care
Things must, and will, change to improve fairness and equality in our society.
Canada -Montreal |