Winnipeg police charge another 6 with holiday-season impaired driving
The Winnipeg Police Service laid six more impaired-driving charges during the third week of its annual Checkstop program.
16 impaired-driving charges to date under Checkstop program

The Winnipeg Police Service laid six more impaired driving charges during the third week of its annual Checkstop program.
During the week of Dec. 15 to 21, police stopped and checked the drivers of 710 vehicles, the service said in a statement Monday.
They charged six drivers with impaired driving, handed out 20 immediate roadside driver's licence prohibitions and administered two positive oral tests for cannabis.
The police also issued 11 tickets for traffic offences.
In total this season, the Checkstop program has led police to stop and check motorists in 2,320 vehicles, issue 27 immediate roadside prohibitions, administer four positive cannabis tests and lay 16 impaired-driving charges, according to police news releases.