Sex offender expected to live in Winnipeg following release Wednesday
Jeffrey Pilch has a history of sexual harassment that spans 20 years, according to police

Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Pilch is scheduled to be released from Bowden Institution in Alberta on Wednesday and the Winnipeg Police Service expects he will live in Winnipeg.
Although Pilch, 49, must abide by conditions outlined in his probation order, including no contact with sex trade workers or females under 18 years old, the WPS still considers him to be at a high risk to reoffend.
According to police, adult females and mature female children are at risk of sexual harassment and possibly physical sexual violence following Pilch's release.
Pilch has a criminal history that spans 20 years and includes indecent and harassing phone calls, sexual assault and breach of probation.
His most recent convictions came in January 2013, when he breached his probation order on two counts. One of those counts saw Pilch sit beside and follow a 14-year-old girl in a park while making inappropriate comments to her. The following day, he entered an alley behind the girl's home shortly after midnight.
Pilch's history suggests he targets women with whom he has had no prior relationship.