North End Family Centre launches Indiegogo campaign for its new home
A centre that serves struggling families in Winnipeg's North End launched an online fundraising campaign to finish renovations at its new building Tuesday.
Centre sees 1,400 Winnipeggers every month, needs more space
A centre that serves struggling families in Winnipeg's North End launched an online fundraising campaign to finish renovations at its new building Tuesday.
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It now needs to raise the final $35,000 and has set up a page on Indiegogo, a crowd-sourcing website.
"Growing up in the North End, as an indigenous child in a single parent family that struggled to makes ends meet, life was not easy," said founder and executive director Kyle Mason in a news release.
Mason said the new building will be almost 2,000 square feet bigger. He said it will allow staff to offer new programs and services, such as food-related programming.
He said the centre hopes to move into its new building in September.