James Beddome re-elected as Manitoba Green Party leader
Beddome, who has been party leader for 12 years, elected to another 2-year term

James Beddome has been re-elected as leader of the Green Party of Manitoba.
He defeated current deputy leader Andrea Shalay 70-56 in the leadership contest, officials announced at the party's annual general meeting, held virtually by Zoom on Saturday.
Asked about the next steps for the party, which has yet to win a seat in the provincial legislature, Beddome said, "It's continuing to, when we can, comment.
"Granted, it is outside the legislature, but having an impact and commenting on issues that are important to Manitobans."
He said he also plans to expand the party's membership, "continuing to recruit candidates so that we can grow toward a full slate of 57 candidates in the next election, and ultimately hopefully electing Greens when we see the next general election, scheduled to be presently 2023."
The party ran 43 candidates in last year's provincial election.
Beddome has been party leader for 12 years, and will remain leader for the next two.
On Saturday, party officials said a record 72 per cent of members voted in the leadership election, which marked the first time the Greens used online voting software.
"I think just even the fact that we've had over 70 per cent participation in this AGM is testament that this process works and that it actually is a very inclusive way to go about it," Shalay said.
Also re-elected on Saturday was David Nickarz as Green Party of Manitoba president.