Vera-Lynn Kubinec

Vera-Lynn Kubinec is a producer with CBC Manitoba's I-Team investigative unit, based in Winnipeg. [email protected]

Latest from Vera-Lynn Kubinec

Winnipeg company files lawsuit claiming Quebec business made fraudulent electronic fund transfers

A company that operates an electronic payment platform is asking a Manitoba court to put a freeze on funds in a bank account because the money is linked to allegedly fraudulent transactions.

Archdiocese of St. Boniface faces another lawsuit alleging sexual assault by former priest

The Archdiocese of St. Boniface in the Roman Catholic Church is being sued by a man who says he was sexually assaulted by a former priest at the church in the village of Somerset, Man., in the 1970s.

2 Winnipeg real estate agents disciplined after house buyer files complaint

A complaint filed by a Winnipeg homebuyer has resulted in two real estate agents being disciplined by their industry association.

Credit union denies negligence in alleged fraudulent investment lawsuit

A Manitoba credit union says it is not responsible for a Winnipeg man's loss of nearly $650,000 in a fraud scheme.
CBC Investigates

Two-thirds of Manitoba's Crown prosecutors meet criteria for PTSD, anxiety or depression, survey suggests

Sixty-five per cent of Manitoba’s criminal Crown attorneys who responded to a survey meet the criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety or depression, according to their union.

Failure to properly diagnose brain bleed at rural Manitoba emergency room led to surgery delay: lawsuit

A patient who went for emergency care at a hospital in Ashern, in Manitoba's Interlake region, has filed a lawsuit saying she experienced delays at a time when she needed emergency surgery for what she later learned was a brain bleed.

Pikangikum woman injured after security door suddenly closed on her at Winnipeg airport: lawsuit

A First Nations elder who suffered a fall when a security door suddenly closed on her as she was about to board an aircraft for a flight out of Winnipeg has filed a lawsuit because of the injuries she experienced.

Employee at pilot training school 'seriously injured' after being struck by propeller: TSB

An employee at a company that trains pilots was injured last week when he was struck by the propeller of a small aircraft as a student attempted to start its engine.

Civil court action against former Winnipeg police union president stayed

The former head of the union representing Winnipeg police officers has succeeded in being removed as a defendant in a lawsuit filed by a police officer, a judge has decided.

Woman endured 'excruciating pain' during procedure at St. Boniface hospital, lawsuit alleges

A Manitoba woman is suing St. Boniface Hospital and two staff after undergoing a medical procedure that she says left her screaming out in pain without appropriate use of pain control and anesthetic.