
From pools to parking: Here's how the provincial lockdown affects city services

A number of city-run services will be affected by the provincial lockdown announced this week to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Among her many virtual tours, Google certified photographer Elyse Booth stitched together a tour of the London Aquatic Centre. (Google Maps)

The provincial lockdown announced Monday to limit the spread of COVID-19 will affect a number of services provided by the City of London. 

The lockdown starts Boxing Day and will remain in place until at least Jan. 23 in the 27 public health units that comprise southern Ontario, including London-Middlesex.

Starting Thursday at 12 noon, city facilities including City Hall, will be closed to the public and while some services will remain available through the holidays, most in-person services will be by appointment-only, at designated times or online. 

The following provides an overview of the programs and services that are impacted by this. Unless otherwise stated, these come into effect as of noon on Dec. 24.

Recreation programs, facilities, and memberships

All community centres are closed for indoor drop-in and indoor registered programs beginning Dec. 26. This includes day camps. Participants will be contacted by phone or email if their program has been affected and will receive full refunds for any fee-based programs.

Registration and start dates for indoor recreation programs that were scheduled to start in January will be suspended. When the Province has ended the shutdown, staff will contact participants who have registered for programs with information about a revised start date for winter programs.

Arenas and rinks

A fence has been set up around the Victoria Park skating rink with signs indicating limits on the number of people allowed. (Amanda Margison/ CBC News)

All programs in arenas will be cancelled, including recreational skates, hockey rentals and any private rentals.  

Victoria Park outdoor skating will be closed. Storybook Gardens skating trail will remain open, and registration is required in advance.


All programs will be cancelled including recreational swims, aquafit classes, fit lanes, Learn to Swim and leadership courses. Swim passes will be placed on hold.

Child Care Fee Subsidy

Citi Plaza will be closed to the public as of noon on Dec. 24 (Paula Duhatschek/ CBC News)

Citi Plaza will be closed to the public as of noon on December 24. Please contact Children Services by email at [email protected] or by calling 519 661-4834.

Social Services

In-person and drop-in services will not be provided at any location. People are encouraged to call 519-661-4520 (toll free at 1-833-932-2297) or email [email protected].

Cheque pick up in December will be Dec. 29 and 30 between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Effective January, cheque pick up and encashment stamps will be available at Citi Plaza on the last two business days of the month, between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and again between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., as well as every Friday between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., or on an emergency basis and by appointment only.

Wherever possible, clients are encouraged to email a copy of their documents or drop them off at one of the drop box locations.

Transit/Bus Passes 

London Transit bus.
The LTC will not be offering free New Year's Eve Service this year. (Paula Duhatschek/CBC)

Eligible individuals may purchase January bus passes at Citi Plaza on the last two business days of the month, between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. and again between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m., as well as every Friday between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. 

Also, the LTC will not be able to offer free New Year's Eve service this year. The complete holiday schedule is here.

Homeless Prevention

Front counter service will not be available at Citi Plaza. Residents needing assistance can call 519-661-HOME (4663)

Fire Services

All fire stations, including Memorial Headquarters (400 Horton St.) are closed to the public until further notice. For non emergencies, please call 519-661-5615.


Marriage licenses are available by appointment only. For additional information, contact the City Clerk's Office at 519-661-4530.

Civil Marriage Ceremonies

Civil Marriage Ceremonies are not being offered at this time.

Council and Committee Meetings

City Hall will be temporarily closed to the public for in-person attendance at Standing Committees and Council meetings. Live streaming of these meetings will continue to be available via the City of London's website or YouTube.

Public Participation Meetings

Residents wishing to speak at a Public Participation Meeting (PPM) will need to register in advance by calling 519-661-2489 ext. 7100 or by emailing [email protected]. Requests to speak must be received before 4:30 p.m. on the day before the meeting. Written submissions are also accepted by email, directed to the committee or Members of Council prior to the meeting.

Building, Development and Planning Services

These services will be available by appointment by emailing [email protected] , [email protected]  or [email protected]

Parking Services

The Parking office will be closed. Payments can be made online at  For parking inquiries including parking lot payments and screening requests, please email [email protected].

Business Licensing

The office will be closed, however inquiries will be managed virtually and online by emailing [email protected] .

Animal Services

This will be available either virtually or by appointment adoptions. Stray animal drop off will be by appointment only, and only emergency field services will be available. For additional information, email [email protected]

An arbitrator has ruled that city administrators erred by not granting unionized inside workers a holiday on Monday, Sept. 19 , when a day of mourning was declared to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
City Hall will be temporarily closed to the public for in-person attendance at Standing Committees and Council meetings. Live streaming of these meetings will continue to be available via the City of London’s website or YouTube. (Travis Dolynny/CBC)

General Services

Before coming to City Hall for any Service, please first call or email the Service Area you wish to visit or call 519-661-2489 or email [email protected] to make an appointment.

Additional information:

The Enviro Depots and Household Special Waste drop off at the W12A landfill will continue to operate as per their normal schedules for this time of year.

All outdoor park amenities and trails will remain open and available for recreational use. All public consultation and engagement will move to online, hardcopy/mailouts, or by phone during the shutdown.

The Tourism Centre on Wellington Road will be closed.

As per the Provincial regulation, Paralympic and Olympic athletes will be permitted to train at the Canada Games Aquatic Centre and Farquharson Arena.